Friday, April 2, 2010

Risk Taken. Breathe.

After much hemming and hawing, I took an armful of reJuJu upcycles into the Golden consignment boutique Rewind. I realized looking through them, there was about a year's worth of sewing and trying things out in that pile. I work slow what with the career and the kids and all.

But hey, the owner loved them! We worked out a deal and I get my own rack in the store.

Now we just see if they sell.


Big love to all of you who have supported me with sewing machines and yarns and old t-shirts and the bridesmaid's gowns from the backs of your closets and encouragement and love. And especially for the new studio space, E. I don't mean this to sound like an academy award speech, but it does feel like something. Gratitude, mainly. Thanks, y'all.

Keep those old t-shirts coming ;).

reJuJu tank, a la Alabama Chanin


  1. Celebrations all around! Good for you, Jen!

  2. Congrats! Take it all in and good luck!

  3. Rock it re-juju! TT

  4. I am so happy for you Jen...pushing the edge, getting out there. And what a sweet & special space to create in! E. shaped a whole new world for you. -So- amazing. Sew on, jujulove. *m
